Blessing Bible Verses

blessing bible verses

    bible verses

  • The books of the Bible that are considered canonical number 24 for Jews, 66 for Protestants, 73 for Catholics, and 78 for most Orthodox Christians.
  • This application offers a collection of over 1000 essential Bible verses on many important topics such as Faith, Relationships, Money &


  • God’s favor and protection
  • the formal act of approving; “he gave the project his blessing”; “his decision merited the approval of any sensible person”
  • Grace said before or after a meal
  • a desirable state; “enjoy the blessings of peace”; “a spanking breeze is a boon to sailors”
  • grace: a short prayer of thanks before a meal; “their youngest son said grace”
  • A prayer asking for such favor and protection

blessing bible verses – King James

King James Bible (KJV) (TTS-friendly; no verse numbers)
King James Bible (KJV) (TTS-friendly; no verse numbers)
Features of this version of the KJV Bible that has the same text as your paper copy:

– Verse numbers have been removed so that the Kindle text-to-speech function could read the Bible without interruption (if you need the typical KJV please purchase the publication B002TG4P8Q or from OSNOVA)
– two ways to navigate between books and chapters: (i) using a hyperlinked table of contents; and (ii) pressing the joystick right or left to move between books of the Bible.
– The text of this electronic edition is painstakingly verified to be true to the KJV paper editions (no typos, no OCR errors)
– correctly formatted (i.e., true formatting of the original KJV – italics, small caps in LORD, etc.)
– Jesus’ words are in bold
– the text is broken into paragraphs for cohesion of the text (if you prefer the traditional verse-per-line format please purchase the KJV publication B002TG4P8Q from OSNOVA)

If you have any questions or concerns at all about this (or any other of my publications), please email me at

Features of this version of the KJV Bible that has the same text as your paper copy:

– Verse numbers have been removed so that the Kindle text-to-speech function could read the Bible without interruption (if you need the typical KJV please purchase the publication B002TG4P8Q or from OSNOVA)
– two ways to navigate between books and chapters: (i) using a hyperlinked table of contents; and (ii) pressing the joystick right or left to move between books of the Bible.
– The text of this electronic edition is painstakingly verified to be true to the KJV paper editions (no typos, no OCR errors)
– correctly formatted (i.e., true formatting of the original KJV – italics, small caps in LORD, etc.)
– Jesus’ words are in bold
– the text is broken into paragraphs for cohesion of the text (if you prefer the traditional verse-per-line format please purchase the KJV publication B002TG4P8Q from OSNOVA)

If you have any questions or concerns at all about this (or any other of my publications), please email me at


My apologies to all those who wrote me to invite their photos. I am only going to be on Flickr part-time. My daughter is having a terrible health crisis. She has to have surgery, but kidney stones have caused her BP to go way up. too high to do an operation.
I am helping her with the kids and taking her in for her op as soon as the doc’s can get her BP down. I am asking for prayers for Jen and us. The kids seem to be weathering this better than we are. Glory be to the Lord. May He bless you for praying and being patient. If you don’t see me here for a few days you will know why. Thank you! JJ


Sunday is Palm Sunday.

They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting,
"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"[b]
"Blessed is the King of Israel!"

John 12:13


blessing bible verses

The Blessing
Brian spent a lifetime seeking his father’s approval. His father wanted him to be the best and the brightest, and Brian tried – desperately! When his father lay dying, Brian rushed to his bedside to plead one last time, “Please say you love me, please!”
We all have a powerful need to know that someone in this world loves us and accepts us unconditionally. We especially crave our parents’ blessing, and without it, we may become angry and driven, or detached and empty. We may also feel this hurtful lack between brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, or even within our religious congregation.
Now family counselors Gary Smalley and John Trent, Ph.D., show us how we can transform our lives – even when it is no longer possible to receive our parents’ blessing. They reveal the five key elements of the blessing, describe the most common home situations where a blessing has been denied (one of them may be ours), and offer practical, effective methods to heal broken hearts and families. Most important, they explain how we can be a blessing, and pass on that life-changing gift to our love ones.